Sunday, May 29, 2011

Jumping Bean


  1. His martial arts skills save him from any injury. I think you need a karate yell as a sound effect.

  2. I love your character design, he looks awesome and you've modeled him well, and the impact has good stretch and squash.
    Your animation would definitely benefit from a sound effect.

  3. The squash and stretch on the impact works so well. You can feel him hitting the ground and springing off again. You have mastered the principle of appeal. Your design is amazing and you have demonstrated fantastic skills in modeling. Maya appears to be a real strong suit in your animating bag of tricks.

    The front on camera angle could be changed to a more interesting angle, eg a birds eye view, to really help express your staging element of presenting your wonderful work.

    You are displaying great talent and skills in your work Daniel! All your projects are showing that you have embraced the magical principals of animation and that you are using your new found knowledge to inspire those who view your work. Love your style, keep up the amazing work!

    Dream BIG, Jac!!!!!
